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Raj Shamani birth chart Horoscope

Raj Shamani & Rohini Nakshatra

Born under the Rohini Nakshatra, Raj Shamani is quite fortunate. Rohini Nakshtra is ruled by planet Moon

Raj Shamani Nakshatra

Rohini Nakshatra was also the favourite of planet Moon. It is also the reason why moon was cursed by his father in law.

Rohini Nakshatra is fortunate because people born under this nakshatra experience the Mahadasha of Jupiter at the very young age providing fruitful results for your hard work & efforts.

Other Famous personalities born under Rohini Nakshatra are

Barack Obama

Benito Mussolini

Roger Moore

Queen Victoria

Raj Shamani Birth Chart Horoscope

Raj Shamani Birth Chart

His planet of Fortune is situated in 11th house, making him very fortunate as the most significant house the 9th house - house of fortune is situated in the most powerful house - the house of benefits which is the 11th house.

He has 5 planets - Moon, Ketu, Mercury, Venus, Rahu situated in the Kendra (Kendra Means 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th house.)

No planet lies in the malefic houses which are 6th, 8th, 12th house.



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